When Nie Li fights with Murong Yu, compared with the corner of musicians who play percussion instruments, two people calmly is sitting, judges tea while watches the martial arts contest.
These two person one are Long Tianming, another wears the silver month long gown, that graceful bearing, wins several points compared with Long Tianming.„Has not thought that the Beiyan brother is also interested in these new people.” Long Tianming looks to nearby youth, said with a smile lightly, he in a tone with wise, the relations with opposite party, seemed not that harmonious.„I want to come to see, such cares including your Long Tianming, is actually a how extraordinary talent.” Situ Beiyan sits steadily, the ease calm appearance, „the present looks like, that youth is interesting.”„He is relying on Artifact, can defeat Murong Yu.” Long Tianming smiles, „can also make the Beiyan brother so appreciate?”