In one respect, voltage is like water: you don’t appreciate its value until your supply runs
low. Low-voltage systems, defined here as a single power supply less than 5 V, teach us
to appreciate voltage. We aren’t the first electronic types to learn how valuable voltage
is; about 15 years ago the audio console design engineers appreciated the relationship
between voltage and dynamic range. They needed more dynamic range to satisfy their
customers; thus, they ran op amps at the full rated voltage, not the recommended operating
voltage, so they could squeeze a few more dB of dynamic range from the op amp.
These engineers were willing to take a considerable risk running op amps at the full rated
voltage; but their customers demanded more dynamic range. The moral of this story is
that dynamic range is an important parameter, and supply voltage is tied directly to dynamic
Knowing how to obtain and use the maximum dynamic range and input/output voltage
range is critical to achieving success in low voltage design. We will investigate these subjects
in detail later, but for now it is useful to review the history of op amps. Knowing how
op amps evolved into the today’s marvels is interesting, and it gives designers an insight
into system problems that they encounter as they design in the low voltage world.
When power supplies were ±15 V, the output voltage swing of an op amp didn’t seem important.
When the power supply was 30 V the typical circuit designer could afford to sacrifice
3 V from each end of the output voltage swing (this was because of transistor saturation
or cutoff). The transistors in the op amp need enough voltage across them to operate
correctly, so why worry about 6 V out of 30 V. Also, the input transistors required base bias,
so an op amp with 30-V supplies often offered a common-mode input voltage range of 24
V or less. These numbers come from the µA741 data sheet; the µA741 (about 1969) is
the first internally compensated op amp to achieve wide popularity.
A later generation op amp, the LM324, had better dynamic range characteristics than the
µA741. The LM324’s output voltage swing is 26 V when operated from a 30-V power supply,
and the common-mode input voltage range is 28.5 V. The LM324 was big news because
it was specified to operate with a 5-V power supply. The LM324’s output voltage