The legal system is not written (Common Law System).
The legal system is not written Or common law system Originating from England. The law has been used in England and the United States. As well as countries in the Commonwealth Britain, the terrain is mountainous and islands together are many. England territory originally consisted of several indigenous tribes such as the Comanche Anglian.
Tribal Saxon (later got together and called themselves. Anglo-Saxon) in early Anglo-Saxon around AD 1066 winner has occupied the British Isles. William is the one which is the Norman declared forfeited land in Britain is all his. Then divide the feudal lords, each loyal following. This is called the "Feudalism" the individual tribes of Britain at that time had their own local tradition. The trial began at the local level by the judge to Salhlwg. (Centered on the city of London called Westminster) were delivered to the Judicial circulating locally. Salhlwg attempt to revise the law to neutralize the so-called Common Law is applicable everywhere. And take matters customary to include it as a land trust or abuse of the trial judge to take the rules of customary law that is already adapted to the case occurred. The court shall have the authority to use discretion in adjusting to the fact that a fair trial. The judgment of the Court of Common Law system, it is the norm to judge other people. To be used as a model And valuable as law. The saying "The judges are creating law" (Judge Made Law).
The legal system of England was called the unwritten law. Or the common law system The law is mainly because of countries. There is no legal provision in the manner set forth clear guidelines as written in the law. But to impose the rule of law in the judgment of the Supreme Court judgment in the first case. By tradition, the reasons for the judgment. The tradition of each region, as well as some not. In so ruling, it is necessary to invite the local population that is well-respected both local joint hearing in court. By considering the specific facts Then decide who is guilty as charged or not. The public is invited to this so-called "jury" (Jury) if the jury found that the accused is guilty. It is the duty of the judge to consider legal questions in the next trial. But if the jury found the accused not guilty, was released from that. The judicial system of this country with the judicial system of the country of statutory law. In written legal system is the only judge who served as consider and judge. By considering both the facts and legal issues. By law related to the adjustment to the case by way of judicial interpretation. It is not necessary to have a jury sitting in judgment of a problem is the fact that the legal system of England.