propagation of CyHV-2. Experimental infections using 2 varieties of goldfish, Ryukin and
Edonishiki, were performed with the virus passaged 7 times in GFF cells. In transmission experiments
withrature at 20°C, cumulati water tempeve mortality was 30% in Ryukin infected by
immersion, and 90 and 100% in Edonishiki and Ryukin intraperitoneally injected with the virus,
respectively. In an experiment carried out at 25°C, 90% of Edonishiki challenged by immersion
died. PCR detection of viral DNA from the organs of infected fish showed that systemic infection
occurs and also that the kidney is a main viral multiplication site. Moreover, CyHV-2 was successfully
re-isolated in GFF cells from the dead fish.
KEY WORDS: Herpesviral haematopoietic necrosis • Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 • Goldfish fin (GFF)
cells • Experimental infection • Viral kinetics