As a grantee of the 2015 Korean Government scholarship program for an undergraduate course, I pledge to abide by the following rules;
(1) To refrain from violation of university regulations, and to fulfill my obligations as a student to the best of my ability.
(2) To behave in a manner appropriate to the Korean culture and society, and not to participate in any form of political activity (such as organizing a political party, joining a political party, attending political meetings, publishing political articles and declarations, organizing or participating in demonstrations of a political nature, and so on).
(3) To accept responsibility for paying any debts incurred in Korea
(4) To abide by NIIED's policy concerning the Korean language course and the degree course without any objection.
(5) To abide by all of the terms and regulations set by NIIED.
(6) To agree to the use of my personal information (name, contact number, institutions I belong to, etc) when it is needed for the operation of the program or upon the request of other governmental institutions.
If I am proved to have violated any of the above articles, to have made a false statement in my application documents or to have failed to comply with academic standards or the rules of university, I shall accept the decision of NIIED, even though it may include the suspension or revocation of the scholarship.