Question 2: Why were the problems involving students seen at a high level by both studies?While the problems involving teachers were assessed at a moderate level, the problems involving students were rated high. Above all, the respondents thought that students did not practice English enough in their own time, students thought in Thai before translating it into English when struggling to communicate, and students had problems with writing and pronunciation. Moreover, students lacked patience in practicing English and had little exposure to English outside class, which may in turn contribute to their lack of confidence in speaking English. Nevertheless, the teachers perceived that students could see the importance of English, and some of them wanted to study English with native speakers. Still, from the open-ended question section, about ten teachers mentioned that students did not pay enough attention to English studying, and nor did they have enough practice of English in their own time. A teacher wrote: 'Students usually came back to my English class the following week with 'blank eyes' as if they had never at all heard anything I was trying to review and link with the new lesson.'