Results of particle size measurements are shown in Table 3. As
expected, extruded sugar-starch-spheres have a narrow particle
size distribution. Span values lower than 0.5 could be easily
achieved. Pellets prepared from normal corn starch were found to
have a higher X50 than with waxy and high-amylose corn starch
prepared ones. Incorporation of sucrose limits the growth in size of
the pellets. Each visco-elastic polymer (100% starch) experiences a
tension, when being squeezed through the die-plate. A tempera-
ture-dependent, exponential relaxation process (Eq. (5)) (Menges,
2002) consequently relieves this tension resulting in a distinct
product formation. The extent of this phenomenon, also known as
die-swelling, is related to the product temperature, water content,
molecular weight and melt
flow rate
Results of particle size measurements are shown in Table 3. Asexpected, extruded sugar-starch-spheres have a narrow particlesize distribution. Span values lower than 0.5 could be easilyachieved. Pellets prepared from normal corn starch were found tohave a higher X50 than with waxy and high-amylose corn starchprepared ones. Incorporation of sucrose limits the growth in size ofthe pellets. Each visco-elastic polymer (100% starch) experiences atension, when being squeezed through the die-plate. A tempera-ture-dependent, exponential relaxation process (Eq. (5)) (Menges,2002) consequently relieves this tension resulting in a distinctproduct formation. The extent of this phenomenon, also known asdie-swelling, is related to the product temperature, water content,molecular weight and meltflow rate
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