In order to prevent another sub prime mortgage meltdown, the government needs to have more regulation. It needs to be part of the process starting with the mortgage and carrying through to the investors. The structure of the credit rating industry should be evaluated and public policy made as to what will and will not be done and how each step will be carried out. Public policy will have to be in every part of the process to ensure that each step is transparent enough to see when something is fishy or unbelievable. The management polices and practices will have to revert to those of the pre- "housing for everyone fad". The policies will have to ensure the person can qualify for the loan, and possesses the necessary credit, down payment and income to prevent default on the loan. Rating companies like Moody's need to tightly regulate and revert back to the company that cannot change for the ratings they are giving. Then, it would be of no benefit to lie about the ratings because they would have nothing to gain. It will take everyone doing something to ensure no more sub prime meltdowns.