The Busan Branch of IDIA(the International Dharma Instructors’Association) is very pleased to invite you to “The Busan Lotus Lantern Parade in GudeokUndongjang Stadium for Foreigners” and additional complementary events in Songsanghyeon square.
Festival Period: May. 1(Fri) ~ 17(Sun) 2015 (2559 Buddhist Era)
※ All Events’Fee : Free
Busan Lotus Lantern Parade in ‘Gudeok Undongjang’ Stadium
▶ When May 17(Sun), 16:00 ~ 21:30
▶ Where Gudeok Undongjang Stadium
▶ What Opening Ceremony, Celebration of Cheer Rally
(singing and dancing together) and Lantern Parade
▶ Lantern Parade Course Gudeok Undongjang Stadium → Dong-A Uni. Bumin Campus
→ Daecheong-no Road → Busan Modern History Museum
▶ How to get to ‘Gudeok Undongjang’ Stadium
A 300m walk from Exit 2 at ‘DongdaesinDong’ Station(Line1)
▶ How to apply
Fill in the information below and send it to []
1. Name 2. Nationality 3. Phone Number 4. Occupation 5. E-mail 6. Address
Additional complimentary events in ‘Songsanghyeon’ Square
1. Opening & Lighting Ceremony of the Festival
▶ When May 1(Fri), 19:00~21:00
▶ What Part one_ Event before the ceremony (19:05) : Nanta(Drum Performance)
Part two_ Opening & Lighting ceremony (19:20)
: Walking around a big stupa carrying lotus lanterns (20:30~20:50)
2. Traditional Culture Experiences
▶ When May 1(Fri) ~ 3(Sun), 13:00~19:00
▶ What Jangseung(Korean Totem Pole) Making, Lotus Lantern Making, Traditional Korean
Paper Crafts, Buddhist Prayer Bead Making and Wish-fulfilling Ribbon Making,
※ You can try making your own works and take them home with you.
3. Exhibition of Lanterns
▶ When May 1(Fri) ~ 17(Sun), Day & Night
▶ What Exhibition of decorative giant lanterns & modern creative lanterns
▶ How to get to ‘Songsanghyeon’ Square
– A 350m walk from Exit 8 at ‘Bujeon’Subway Station(Line1)
★ All events are hosted by the 2015 Busan Lotus Lantern Festival Organizing Committee and
supervised by the Busan Branch of IDIA (the International Dharma Instructors’ Association).