Manual Tuning Method:
Manual tuning is achieved by arranging the parameters according to the system response.
Until the desired system response is obtained Ki
, Kp and Kd are changed by observing system
Example (for no system oscillation): First lower the derivative and integral value to 0 and
raise the proportional value 100. Then increase the integral value to 100 and slowly lower the
integral value and observe the system’s response. Since the system will be maintained around
set point, change set point and verify if system corrects in an acceptable amount of time. If not
acceptable or for a quick response, continue lowering the integral value. If the system begins
to oscillate again, record the integral value and raise value to 100. After raising the integral
value to 100, return to the proportional value and raise this value until oscillation ceases.
Finally, lower the proportional value back to 100.0 and then lower the integral value slowly to
a value that is 10% to 20% higher than the recorded value when oscillation started (recorded
value times 1.1 or 1.2).
Although manual tuning method seems simple it requires a lot of time and experience