Place two dumbbells on either side of your body. The dumbbells should be slightly in front of your feet. Make sure that the weight of your dumbbells is appropriate for your strength.
Position yourself properly. Your feet should be spread slightly wider than your shoulders. Point your toes forward. You could also point them slightly outward; the result will be the same
Squat down and grasp the dumbbells. You should squat with a flat, neutral back. Make sure that your shoulders are pulled away from your ears. Keep your head in line with your spine, though if it more comfortable you can tilt your chin up slightly. Make sure that your gaze remains straight ahead (if your eyes wander, so will your head, which will in turn shift your spine.) Make sure that your chest is lifted.
Make sure that your heels stay firmly on the floor, and that your shoulders are slightly in front of the balls of your feet.
Keep your core strong while you stand up. Your abs help stabilize your spine when you begin to lift the dumbbells. Straighten your knees and then your hips before coming to a fully upright position. Your elbows should be straight and the dumbbells should rest by your sides against your thighs.
Your hips and shoulders should rise up and straighten at the same time. You should try to keep the dumbbells as close to your body as possible while you straighten up.
Hinge at the knees to lower the dumbbells back down. Your hips should move backwards and down as you begin to squat back down to the ground. Try to avoid bending your knees so that they are far ahead of your toes. Keep your back straight and avoid curling your tailbone in or arching your back
Make sure to keep your abs strong and engaged while you lower back down. Keep your shoulders back and lowered while you do this lift and squat.