Current Smoking Stage (CSS): The CSS consisted of four items developed by the researcher to determine the subjects’ early stages of smoking. Items were created from data of previous studies as well as integration of concepts of basic stages of smoking and susceptibility.The first item(“Have you ever smoked a cigarette, even a few cigarettes?”) required a “yes” or “no response.” Subjects who answered “no,” were asked to response to the second item (“Do you think you would like to try smoking in the next year?”), which required a “yes” or “no” response. Those who answered “no” were directed to go to the third item (“If one of your closest friends offers you a cigarette, would you smoke it?”), which allowed either a “definitely yes;” “probably yes;” “probably not;”or“ definitely not” response.S ubjects who responded “yes”to the first item were directed to the fourth item (“How often do you smoke?”), which allowed the following responses: (a) “Only 1-4 cigarettes in my life;” (b) “About 5-100 cigarettes in my life, but I do not smoke anymore;” (c) “Sometimes, in a variety of situations, such as at party, on holidays or with a special person;” (d) “Usually;” (e) “Every week;” or (f) “Every day