The system of interest was a heated canned 3.5% corn
STD ð303 406Þ axially rotating intermittently between
0 and 146 RPM, which approximates the rotation of a
can processed in a Steritorte at 8 rpm. The STD had an
initial temperature of T0 and was heated at a wall temperature,
Tw. Several assumptions were made to simplify
the problem: (1) constant thermal conductivity,
k ¼0:66 J m1 K1 s1, specific heat, cp ¼ 4180J kg1
K1, and coefficient of volumetric expansion, b ¼
0:00053 K1; (2) constant fluid density ðq0 ¼ 1000 kg
m3Þ in the governing equations except in the buoyancy
term, where density ðqÞ is approximated by Boussinesq
approximation; q ¼ q0ð1 bðT T0ÞÞ; (3) homogeneous
fluid; (4) negligible heat generated by viscous
dissipation; (5) constant can wall temperature after 2
min; (6) no-slip boundary condition; (7) no headspace in
the can; and (8) negligible centrifugal force due to primary
(reel) rotation.