Hello. My name’s Trevor. I’m a journalist. ?is is a picture of me. It’s what the newspaper puts on my reports. My work takes me to many di? erent countries. I travel anywhere there’s news about war or natural disasters, like earthquakes? and storms. As you can imagine, I’ve seen a lot of terrible things, both here in the UK and abroad. I
try not to get upset, but it’s sometimes very hard.
I want to tell you about this book. It’s a book about people who have moved from one world to another. ?at’s why it’s called Two Worlds. Does that sound strange? Yes, I thought so. Let me try to explain a little better.
It’s likely that most of us will live all our lives in the country where we were born. We may visit other countries for holidays or even in our jobs for business, but we know that we can go back home anytime we want. Sometimes it’s not our decision to travel abroad, especially when we’re young. Our parents may decide they want to move to a foreign country. We have to go with them, even if we don’t want to. It’s di? cult for us to leave our friends behind. But most of us can make new friends easily and the important thing is that we’re with our families. And, when we’re older, we’re free to make our own decisions and go back to our home country if we want to.