Goal of phase 2d: Begin meeting with companies in adjacent markets , analysts, media, influencers and trade
shows to understand the shape and direction of the market you are in or about to create.
Author: Business Execution
Approval: Business Execution , Business Vision
Presenter: Business Execution, Business Vision
Time/Effort: 5-10 days of company/analyst/conference visits by VP Business Execution or Business
o Make contact with companies in adjacent markets/infrastructure (buy them lunch!)
I . What are the industry trends?
2. What are key unresolved customer needs'>
3. Who are the players?
4 . What should you read?
5 . Who should you know?
6. What should you ask?
7. What customers should you call on?
8. Just as you did with potential customers , don 't present , don't sell , just listen and learn
o Make contact with the key industry influencers/recommenders (from phase Ie)
I . What are the trends?
2. Who are the players?
3. What should you read?
4. Just as you did with potential customers, don't present , don't sell, just listen and learn
o Get copies of the Wall Street analyst reports on your market or adjacent markets
(from phase 1e)
I. What are the trends
2. Who are the players
3. Understand business models , key players, key metrics
o Attend at least two key conferences or tradeshows (from phase Ie)
I . What are the trends
2. Who are the players
3. Who are the attendees
4. What are their visions of the future
5. How do they compare with yours?
Phase 2d Exit Criteria: Identical to Positioning Hypothesis exit criteria , this time with facts.