Micro-watershed level planning requires a host of interrelated information to be generated and studied in relation to each other. An attempt has been made to assess the resource potential of Nambiar Watershed by the integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques to identify and evaluate the land quality and water resources. Different thematic maps have been prepared with the aid of visual interpretation keys, using IRS P6, LISS IV data and SOI topographical maps and relevant secondary data. Land and water resources are assessed individually integrating information derived from the remote sensing satellite data. By combining
both land resources with water resources using the GIS techniques, a composite map on the Resource Potential Zones (RPZ) were created.The integrated resource analysis has proved to be efficient in categorizing the watershed as excellent to poor based
on the weightage given and the suitability of the land parcels for a particular land use was assessed. The present study helps in the strategic management of water, agriculture, forest and other natural resources for the sustainable development of the Nambiar watershed that runs across Nanguneri Taluk in Tirunelveli district in TamilNadu state in India.