Revival of Buddhism in Myanmar nation state (experience)
.Religion plays an important role in strange and featured in the new nation of Southeast Asia. Quite unanimous for the development of their society. These countries are committed to build a modern state and economy.And to develop and strengthen the cultural heritage with distinctive symbol
.In the aspect of efforts to create a national identity And survival culture Religious symbols all the most prevalent of symbols include religion as a belief system, native.And the great thing than the cultural treasures of the development of the present life. In the Southeast Asian region, religion is a inextricably intertwined with national identity, culture and creativity.Religious places in the social systems of countries such as Myanmar, raise the issue in theoretical and empirical counts for social sciences.The most interesting problem is in religious Or what can hinder the process of innovation?Divide this question down. Notice that the progress the theory of religion and society. In the case of Myanmar, which used to be a model in the Southeast Asian mainland. Because my hand knowledge of society and culture.Question:What is the role of Theravada Buddhism in the course of social change in Myanmar. ? many reasons that Myanmar is the perfect place to check the place of Buddhism in the process of innovation:Theravada Buddhism is the religion 80 percent of the population of Myanmar. Under former Prime Minister Nu Myanmar deliberately attacked the place it was the head of the Buddhist religious doctrine of the world. In 1961 with Buddhism. The official religion of the state;And the last is the secular military regime has recently come to power, it was set to history and involvements and religion that Myanmar virtual laboratory to study the role of religion in Southeast Asia