Diseases in the aquaculture industry are a significant limitation to
productivity, and shrimp are certainly no exception with substantial
losses due to various bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral diseases
(Flegel et al., 2008). The most recent disease to hit the global shrimp
industry is the acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) or
more commonly known as early mortality syndrome (EMS) where
shrimp mortalities can be 100% with certain strains of Vibrio
parahaemolyticus being identified as the causative agents (Tran et al.,
2013). In response, this has led to the abuse and overuse of antibiotics
in the aquaculture industry. The uncontrolled use of antibiotics can negatively
affect the host species, the environment as well as the health of
Diseases in the aquaculture industry are a significant limitation toproductivity, and shrimp are certainly no exception with substantiallosses due to various bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral diseases(Flegel et al., 2008). The most recent disease to hit the global shrimpindustry is the acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) ormore commonly known as early mortality syndrome (EMS) whereshrimp mortalities can be 100% with certain strains of Vibrioparahaemolyticus being identified as the causative agents (Tran et al.,2013). In response, this has led to the abuse and overuse of antibioticsin the aquaculture industry. The uncontrolled use of antibiotics can negativelyaffect the host species, the environment as well as the health of
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