6.2 Adetailed description of the apparatus is given in Annex
6.3 Temperature Measuring Device:
6.3.1 Mercury-in-glass thermometers, if used, shall be filled
with an inert gas, graduated on the stem and enamel backed.
They shall conform to Specification E1 or IP Standard Methods
for Analysis and Testing of Petroleum and Related Products
1996—Appendix A, or both, for thermometers ASTM 7C/IP
5C and ASTM 7F for the low range thermometers, and ASTM
8C/IP 6C and ASTM 8F for the high range thermometers. Thermometers that have been exposed for an extended
period above an observed temperature of 370°C shall
not be reused without a verification of the ice point or checked
as prescribed in Specification E1 and Test Method E77.