For years, researchers and practitioners have primarily investigated the various processes within manufacturing supply
chains individually. Recently, however, there has been increasing attention placed on the performance, design, and
analysis of the supply chain as a whole. This attention is largely a result of the rising costs of manufacturing, the shrinking
resources of manufacturing bases, shortened product life cycles, the leveling of the playing Þeld within manufacturing,
and the globalization of market economies. The objectives of this paper are to: (1) provide a focused review of literature in
multi-stage supply chain modeling and (2) deÞne a research agenda for future research in this area.
For years, researchers and practitioners have primarily investigated the various processes within manufacturing supplychains individually. Recently, however, there has been increasing attention placed on the performance, design, andanalysis of the supply chain as a whole. This attention is largely a result of the rising costs of manufacturing, the shrinkingresources of manufacturing bases, shortened product life cycles, the leveling of the playing Þeld within manufacturing,and the globalization of market economies. The objectives of this paper are to: (1) provide a focused review of literature inmulti-stage supply chain modeling and (2) deÞne a research agenda for future research in this area.
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