Teacher Training has undergone major changes in recent years, with the development of digital information transfer, virtual learning environments(VLE) and simulations integrated in learning management systems having a significant effect on it. Online resources like Edu 2.0 and Second Life (SL) encourage a sense of collaboration and community which now needs to be embraced through teaching and learning practice. Researchers, as a result of 4 years research study of global e-learning training needs in 25 countries analyzed the needs of the teachers’ e-education requirements and their preferred e-learner environments. Although, there were some common needs like “knowledge and skill of preparing e-quizzes”, they found that there was a divide among teachers’ skills and knowledge’s. Hence, the necessary steps to develop proper ICT infrastructure required for e-Learning are taken. As a result of all the findings in the literature, courses are decided to be delivered to bridge these. A global strategy is decided for moving towards and encouraging teachers towards deploying e-Learning for their courses. Syllabus is prepared, online evaluation is required and suggestions are taken from experts coming from different walks of life, from 25 countries. This process ended in 4 months. After having rewritten the syllabus, course material is prepared and carefully proof read by English teachers and e- education experts. The course environment is used by 51 experts and is redesigned by the researchers according to their suggestions. After 6 months of work, the last form of VirtualNeu (Virtual Near East University Portal) is published. Encouragement and proper incentive to English Teachers to participate in the e-training programs were provided by the ministry of education in North Cyprus. 80 Teachers have registered to the system and courses will start on 7 September 2011. Researchers mission for the next two years, 4 years and beyond is clear and unequivocal; like the last four years: Preparing a portal and making it universally accessible and useful for teachers; delivering e-courses for their specified training needs and, helping them to be more innovative and more creative individuals who change and improve the world education.