Lousy Listeners
Poor listeners hear than listen. Their minds don't attune to the message or sentiment. Worst of all, the lousy listener interrupts. This causes information to be missed. Some interrupt mentally by jumping to a conclusion and then go on to think about their own response. Hotel and restaurant managers or owners may be more likely to interrupt their heads of departments and men are more likely to interrupt women. The bottom line, if you interrupt, is that people will avoid sharing ideas with you.
Lousy listeners fake understanding. Loss of concentration happens, and must be admitted. A simple 'I've lost you' is preferable to later embarrassment suffered by hiding the fact until it becomes obvious. On the other hand, some listeners, instead of deciphering the message, play emotional detective, probing for hidden motives, emotions the like.
Consider the following questions which will help you analyze your own listening skills:
1. Does my mind wander when I'm listening?
2. Do I immediately forget names of persons I'm intro duced to?
3. Do l ask questions when something is being explained to me?
4. Can I easily understand verbal directions
5. can I st patiently listening to a lengthy opinion totally disagree with?
6. A'm l easily distracted when listening?