perception affects satisfaction reported, tourists usually do not have knowledge about the destinations they not previously visited however , they hold perceptions of alternative and ideal destinations the differences between their perceptions and realitybaffect tourist holiday satisfaction the smaller the differences between actual and ideal perceptions ,the higher the tourist satisfaction the perceptions of a destination, which promise to be similar to an ideal , provide tourists with the greatest satisfaction on the hand , the greater the gap between actual and ideal perceptions , the less likely the destination
provides tourists with satisfaction and the less likely tourists will choose the destination for visitation
the same rule applies to tourist host contact the perceptions of hosts may determine the degree of tourist holiday destination the smaller the gap between the actual and ideal perceptions of hosts , the more likely tourists can achieve
from interacting with hosts and the more likely tourists opt for repeat visitation and vice versa the destinstion that promises interaction with ideal hosts and provides tourists with the greatest satisfaction has the greatest chance for repeat visitation consequently it is vital to analyse the tourists perceptions of their hosts