) with two layerfilter papers moistened with 10 ml
appropriate solutions, 6 levels of osmotic potentials including 0 (distilled
water),−1.0,−2.0,−3.0,−4.0 and−5.0 MPa induced by PEG 6000.
Four replicates with 100 seeds per replicate were used for each treatment.
The boxes were placed in a germinator at 20 ± 1°Cunder 8/16 h day/night
light for 7 days. The papers belong to each box were replaced every two
days to maintain water potential. Seeds were considered germinated
when the radicle visibly protruded through the seed coat and recorded
daily. At the end of experiment, thefinal germination percentage was
calculated. The germination potential was calculated asGP=∑(Gt/Tt),
Gtis the number of germinated seeds on dayt,andTtis the number of
days from the start of the test. Seedling vigor index (SVI) was calculated
as SVI =GP×seedling dry weight. The seedlings were dried at 80 °C for
about 48 h and seedling dry weight was determined