Summary and Conclusions
manufacturing processes are complex, nonlinear,timevarying,
interactive,dynamic systems.Automatic
computer aided design systems are a practical way to
achieve improved system responses.We demonstrate a
method where the automatically designed control
system compensates for these characteristics. The
control system design is continually updated based on
a continually updated model.The procedure's success
depends upon:rapid automatic and continued updated
of the model,rapid and automatic execution of the
control action,rapid and automatic calculation of the
best control action.
Reducing the optimal trajectory problem to the optimal
regulatory problem and implementing the results
produces extensive benefits for most manufacturing
situations.The single step optimal discrete control
action is highly effective. Using the optimal single step
solution eliminates iterative procedures and rapidly
supplies a control action.The frequent recalculation of
the control action generates optimal control actions
before the process has time to deviate very far from setpoint.
The process performance shows little to no
improvement using a multiple time horizon optimal
solution instead of the single step optimal solution.