Food Nutrition And Exercise Health Essay
As we age, to keep our good health we much maintain healthy eating. Good nutritious food provides our body with energy and nutrients needed to stay healthy. By choosing to eat healthy we do not have to make it hard to consume the good habit. Nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water (WebMD 2010). As we grow older less energy will be needed if one develop better eating habits. A diet does not all the times mean not eating and strict exercise to loose weight. What does it mean to eat a balanced diet?
When I think about physical activity cardiovascular activity is important, such as walking and swimming, but just as important as attempting to increase strength by exercising with weights. This will help develop increased muscle strength. It can improve pace and balance and prevent dependency as one get older. Today there is scientific research pointing toward foods and habits that are made to maintain healthy eating. I think eating right with good exercise; this will give our bodies the necessary nourishment and movement to keep us going. Life’s responsibilities and deadlines can get in the way of food preferences that get in the way of healthy eating (Medicine Net 2010). Most Americans are on the run and we choose less than healthy eating habits when in a hurry. Eating healthy does not mean abandoning our lives. One should take time to think about small nutritional goal. We should keep in mind how to prevent unhealthy and eating and how to maintain it.
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