lifestyleBefore the 1950s, the Dayak peoples lived in communal longhouses. Today,longhouses are rare in Kalimantan. Their disappearance in turn affects theprocess of preserving the social, economic, cultural, and political values of theDayak. Before, children were taught the basics, including the legends. Beforegoing to bed, youngsters relaxed in the open area to listen to their parents tellstories. The change from living in longhouses to single-family houses makes itimpossible for the Dayak to continue the story telling tradition. There is simplynot enough space in a single-family house for it.The coming of radio and television has promoted a consumptive culture. Thisis the era of new colonialism by capitalism. Dayak youngsters migrate toIndonesian cities in great numbers, either to pursue their studies or make aliving. They are enthralled with the glamour and lifestyle of urbanIndonesians. Some drop out of school, lacking skills and knowledge, to pursuethis lifestyle. This is the short cut attitude. In Pontianak, for example, dozensof Dayak girls, end up working the bars, karaoke joints and hotels.