Nursery container size greatly influences root architecture.
Shallow rooted and prone to wind throw.
Performs poorly on wet sites and when weed competition is severe.
Frost tender.
Upper-stem breakage common after 3 years of age at most locations.
Light crown fails to completely block out understory weed competition after crown closure in some locations, resulting in a build up of fuel and an increase in the risk of fire.
Does not resprout well after fire.
Moderately susceptible to the Pineus pini (woolly aphid) in South Africa.
Susceptible to Cinara cronartii (black aphid) attacks in southern Africa.
Moderately susceptible to Cylindrocladium spp. in the lowland tropics.
Very susceptible to the Hylastes sp. beetle in the seedling stage in southern Africa.
Very susceptible to Cronartium quercuum f. sp. fusiforme (fusiform rust) in seedling screening trials.
Preferentially browsed by livestock and antelope in South Africa.
Wood has lower tear and burst strength than P. patula.
Trees from HE populations do not usually produce large amounts of seed.