Finally, notwithstanding their very different foundations of knowledge, there
are at least two, perhaps unexpected, links between the Resource Profiles
Framework and the QoL/SWB frameworks. First, the research findings on
variations in SWB across nations demonstrate that income contributes little
to SWB above a moderate threshold (Helliwell 2000). This provides new
justifications to the search for a more encompassing notion of resources
with which to understand the construction of wellbeing. We also develop the
idea of ‘resourcefulness’ to help us better understand the resilience of
people operating in extremely impoverished and challenging circumstances
(Camfield and McGregor 2005). Second, both approaches emphasise the
study of local values and meanings. Several psychological theories interpret
subjective quality of life in terms of the gap between a person’s actual status
and the local standards and status of their peers within their community or
other relevant reference groups. Similarly the ‘thinking-doing’ branch of the
RPF emphasises the cultural construction of wellbeing, the imbrications of
local values and identities in any understanding of quality of life.
We conclude that sufficient bridges exist between the needs, resources and
QoL frameworks to construct an integrated conceptual model and to justify
an integrated programme of research into wellbeing. A subsequent Working
Paper will set out a unified theory of wellbeing applicable to development
contexts and a coherent methodology for researching it.