6. Limitation and future research
This study has some limitations. Constructs incorporated in this
study are entrepreneurs' cognitive styles, behavioral styles in conflict
handling, and self-perceived career success and collected data are
based on entrepreneurs' self-report information. More in-depth interviews to these creative entrepreneurs could enrich this study by providing more viewpoints, justification, and implications to the research
findings. Furthermore, the lack of an existing theoretical basis is also a
limitation. Our study only focuses on investigating creative entrepreneurs' creativity cognitive style, conflict handing approaches, and
career success. Future research is encouraged to explore creative entrepreneurs' behavior more deeply by using different business models
to achieve better career success. Moreover, using new research approaches may be helpful to shed new light on this situation. As an emerging analytic technique for theory testing (Woodside, 2013), qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) can serve as a useful tool to identify
the combinations of creative entrepreneurs' attributes in cognitive
styles, behaviors, and strategic postures that may lead to positive new
venture outcomes in creative industries.