tBrazil is one of the three largest producers of fruit in the world. As a consequence, it has become oneof the largest producers of agricultural residues. Studies have shown that the residues of certain fruitscan present a higher antioxidant activity than the pulp. Although these residues are usually discarded, itcould be used as an alternative source of nutrients. The present paper investigates the drying of pineappleresidues in a fixed-bed dryer, analyzing the effect of the process variables on the antioxidant propertiesof the residue. The content of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid were also quantified.The results shown that the drying of the fruit residue in a fixed-bed was very efficient. The content ofsome bioactive compounds was found to increase after drying. Therefore, a new type of product couldsomehow be considered helpful to promote the nutritional value and extend the utilization of residues.