Fig. 3. (A) Conventional LCCs of the case study scenarios in millions of euros per functional unit (M€/FU). Both scenarios are compared relative to: (1) an entire waste system
(Total), (2) waste fee, (3) collection and (4) incineration. (1)–(4) are the four separate foci selected for the Conventional LCC case study and are explained in Section 2.5. The
legend refers to the activities included in the four assessments, i.e. (1)–(4). The ‘‘Total’’ in this figure is identical to the economic part of the Environmental LCC. FU stands for
functional unit. (B) Environmental part (LCA) of the Environmental LCC in person equivalent per functional unit (PE1000/FU). The Environmental LCC of the case study is
identical to the ‘‘Total’’ in the Conventional LCC (see Fig. 3A). The legend refers to the activities included in the assessment. FU stands for functional unit and PE for personequivalent.
(C) Societal LCC of the case study scenarios in millions of euros per functional unit (M€/FU). The legend refers to the activities included in the assessment. FU
stands for functional unit.