A Year Ago in Tokyo
25-degree greetings from Tohk-Kee-Yo!
For the past 10 days or so, my confidence index went up and down about the same amount that the Nikkei does in a year or more. I would start at 9 am and turn off after midnight. Scenes followed me in a dream form as you can imagine.
On the 25th of this month (oh tomorrow!), I will be Gmailing 5 chapters to 25 wonderful, wonderful friends spread over 5 continents. Eight parts there are in total but, as it turned out, I was naïve to entertain a thought of finishing them all. You now may say, “Racier-than-racy”, but soon your money will be on “Cynic erotic”. The title is finalised and meant to fly by “25 – A Tasty Tale from the Heart of Asia”. If you find it comfortable to assume that the number is my age, go right ahead ;-)
A bit on the process. There were moments when I couldn’t take it anymore. That was when I would find myself on a recue train. Begging the Yamanote Line to whisk me away. For a walk. For a tea. And sometimes, just sometimes, for one sheet to the wind. Feel free to note that sorry I’m not.
And, before you knew it, you stumbled off one afternoon at Shimbashi. Something told you to trace the Yorikamome Line Oh my, into above across the Tokyo Bay a cutest monorail glide you fly you and hover you. HUMBLED!
Strolled past a fellow off Ikebukuro the other day. Without a label no doubt. Without a deal he was plowing on. I parted with 1,200 yen for his 3 songs. He broke off to autograph my copy. Yosuke was his name. We shook hands. We bowed. “Good luck,” I said.
Tokyo, Japan