What features should I include in the promotion?
The presence of a "restriction" (time limit, purchase limit, or purchase precondition) can typically increase sales if the deal is reasonable to start with.
Always provide full price and value information in the promotion to allow consumers to assess what they are getting.
The regular price of the product should be retained wherever possible as its mere presence will reduce the likelihood of drawing a price related inference (that can be unfavorable) from the value ofthe deal Include the value of the product being offered for free (or at discounted price) ifit is a reasonable value, for while consumers may not accept the full claim, they will use this value to anchor on and assess the value
How frequently should I promote?
Infrequently. Promotions that are offered at a high frequency lead to many consumers expecting a promotion and waiting for it, leading to their delaying purchase until they can buy at a discounted price
How regularly should I promote?
A regular promotion with a reason (e.g., semi-annual sale) can be effective. While consumers can wait for the promotion, they may be persuaded to buy more than they normally would have at a long-awaited event
Should I provide reasons for the promotion?
Providing a reason will impede informational inferences and may also lead to positive affect For example, stating that a promotion is offered to existing customers to "reward" them for their patronage would be more effective than stating that it is offered to retain their business.