Are the huge advances the world has seen in science a blessing or a curse?
Give reasons for you opinion and example.
It probably true to say the science is really important for human. Scientist were invented so many things useful in everyday life. Also help people understand many things in the world. We knew stories about the earth and understand the universe system. Moreover, nowadays, we have high technology to do many things instead human. On the other hand, science has done a lot of bad things too. So I want to show good points and bad points about science.
Firstly, human has many advantages from science such as we have effective pills when we get sick, we have high technology for works instead people in the industry,
we can predict the weather in the future and so on. These indicate how science is very importhan for the world.
However, we have a lot of bad things from science too. For example scientist were invented the atomic bomb during World war ll that destroyed Hiroshima city and Nagasaki city. The Atomic bomb killed Japanese around 66,000 people immedialy. In addition, impact from the nuclear fallout the blasts killed many survivors by illness.
This situation which made people feel fed up with high technology.
Therefore, in my opinion, I think science created many things for help people . Although science has done a lot of bad things in the past, but it is so important in the world too. So I think if we use science in the right way that very useful for everyone in the future.