Apart from entrepreneurial competence, use of management accounting, as noted by
Perren & Grant (2000), is important to the survival of small firms. Perren & Grant
(2000) employed Dirsmith (1998) to view management accounting as an instrument for
representing economic reality and solving problems. Hilton & Platt (2011) stated that
management accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, analyzing,
interpreting and communicating information in pursuit of an organization‟s goals. It is a
part of the management process, which includes planning, controlling, decisionmaking,
and directing operational activities. Sciulli (2004) defines management
accounting as information designed or adapted for the particular needs of an
organization. However, management accounting information and analysis is crucial in
managing large enterprises as well as SMEs, moving from a passive role as
information providers for decision-making, to taking a more proactive role in strategic
and day-to-day resource management decisions (Scapens 2006; Nandan 2010).
Apart from entrepreneurial competence, use of management accounting, as noted byPerren & Grant (2000), is important to the survival of small firms. Perren & Grant(2000) employed Dirsmith (1998) to view management accounting as an instrument forrepresenting economic reality and solving problems. Hilton & Platt (2011) stated thatmanagement accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, analyzing,interpreting and communicating information in pursuit of an organization‟s goals. It is apart of the management process, which includes planning, controlling, decisionmaking,and directing operational activities. Sciulli (2004) defines managementaccounting as information designed or adapted for the particular needs of anorganization. However, management accounting information and analysis is crucial inmanaging large enterprises as well as SMEs, moving from a passive role asinformation providers for decision-making, to taking a more proactive role in strategicand day-to-day resource management decisions (Scapens 2006; Nandan 2010).
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