Origin regionIt is noted that investment in promoting Turkey as
a tourist destination has a very minor impact on international
tourist #ows to Turkey (Uysal & Crompton,
1984). Moreover, it is also reported that &it is rather
di$cult to claim that the popularity of Turkey as a tourist
destination is not the result of conscious and well
planned marketing and promotional e!orts of the MT
and other related organisations' (Ozturk, 1996, p. 278).
The current pattern of international tourism demand for
Turkey supports these statements. The EIU (Economic
Intelligence Unit) (1993, p. 82) found that, &over55 per
cent of all visitors to Turkey travel on all inclusive tour
packages tour and 15 per cent on a part organised
basis2 Eighty "ve percent of all charterpassenger
arrivals travelled by using the companies which are
owned and operated by foreigners'. In 1996 60 percent of
foreign tourists who visited Turkey arranged their trips
through tour operators (State Institute of Statistics,