When the habit is abandoned early, the malocclusion will usually revert without treatment. However, the absence of the habit is not a guarantee of having the malocclusion corrected. As a rule, correction is a factor in reducing the habit.7 Application of a bitter-tasting commercial preparation to the nail, in the hope of stopping the habit, is ineffective; these procedures cause greater tension in young people who should, rather, be more tranquil. These methods are thus unwanted and even harmful.2 and 7 An exception would be the application of olive oil to the nails, making them soft and pliable, removing the temptation to chew off nails with the teeth.36 The use of occlusive dressing on the fingertips and wearing mittens or pajamas that cover both the hands and the feet are a variety of reminders and should only be used with the consent and cooperation of the child.