For fermentation, the boxes were covered with lids and incubated at
25 °C (0–12 h), 30 °C (12–24 h), 35 °C (24–36 h), 40 °C (36–48 h), 45 °C
(48–72 h) and 48 °C (72–144 h) to simulate the temperature evolution
that occurs during most commercial cocoa fermentations (Lima et al.,
2011; Schwan and Wheals, 2004). The fermenting beans were
thoroughly mixed every 48 h. The fermentations were stopped at day
6, when the beans were removed from their boxes and dried at 30 °C
and relative humidity 70% for 5 days. Samples of beans (100 g total,
from locations throughout the fermenting mass) were taken daily for
microbiological and chemical analyses. Samples for microbiological
analysis were used immediately while those for chemical analysis
were stored at −20 °C until examined. More details on fermentation
procedures are described by Ho et al. (2014).