*SFX: Sounds of moving boxing being unpacked*
*SFX: Doorbell rings. Then, footsteps as our heroine “you” walk over and open the door.*
Yunoha: So, you’re the new tenant? …You’re more to my tastes than the last one. Well, not that it has anything to do with me…
*SFX: *Door closes, then footsteps as he walks by, going deeper into the apartment*
Yunoha: *sigh* I can’t believe I’d leave the house and forget my precious caramels.
*SFX: Begins rummaging around in the kitchen*
Yunoha: …My- *rummage* My hidden caramels were where again?
*SFX: Footsteps as the heroine walks towards him*
Yunoha: Ah! Here they are! Here they are!
*SFX: Rustle*
Yunoha: Ahhh… *softer* I wonder if I’ll lick human filth ever again someday? Caramels are nice but… I guess you could say they’re not warm enough after all.
*SFX: Rustle, he takes a step as he turns around*
Yunoha: What? Why are you staring at me? *chuckle* Though I suppose it’s just my imagination that you’re looking at me. At any rate, it’s not as if you can actually see me, right? Humans are all like that.
Yunoha: I may lose my nerve and leave the house, or get lonely and come back, either way they don’t notice. No one ever notices me.
*SFX: Rustle, he walks to the side*
Yunoha: Is that right? You can “see”? You’re probably just gazing at the room in pride though,aren’t you- AHH!
*SFX: Dramatic rustle/shuffle as he moves closer*
Yunoha: …Can you really see? *rustle* You see me?