The present study was set up to investigate various problems regarding teaching and learning English as a foreign
language in high schools of Lorestan province. After collecting and analyzing the data, it was found that there is no
significant relationship between two variables of research question namely, educational facilities and quality of learning.
The other instrument which was used in this study to collect data was an interview which revealed some problems
regarding teachers, learners, syllabus design, methodology and educational facilities.
In light of the results of the present study, some pedagogical implications can be suggested to eradicate the
problems of teaching and learning. One of the significant implications of the study is that, the Ministry of education needs
to provide schools with proper educational aids and libraries. The other implication is related to policy makers and it
suggests that policy makers should increase teachers' salaries in order to encourage them to work more effectively. It is
necessary for them to be cautious enough during employing teachers. They need to employ the most qualified one as a
The Ministry of Education should try to enhance the class time and to reduce the number of students in
overcrowded classes. The last implication of this study targeted teachers. Teachers should implement appropriated
methods and techniques in the classroom to motivate learners. They need to create an encouraging atmosphere in the
classroom and they should try to meet individual needs. They should use English language as a medium of instruction in
the classroom.