The Climate Equity Reference Calculator is a general equity reference tool, designed to allow the user to specify their own preferred interpretation of national responsibility and capacity for climate action, which in turn is used to determine each country’s fair share of the global climate effort.
The Calculator was developed by Tom Athanasiou & Paul Baer of EcoEquity and Sivan Kartha & Eric Kemp-Benedict of the Stockholm Environment Institute, who also developed a specific effort-sharing approach, the Greenhouse Development Rights framework (which has since been generalized into the Climate Equity Reference framework. Most of the initial Calculator programming was also done by Eric, with the assistance of Douglas Wang. Tyler Kemp-Benedict did most of the user-interface design and implementation. More recently, Christian Holz has joined the CERP team, and among much else, has become a key team programmer. The core funding for these effort has been provided by the Stockholm Environment Institute, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Christian Aid.