After reading about Ball State University development of a userfriendly embedded Windows Media Player above the PDF file within CONTENTdm (Hurford & Read, 2008), the Digital Services Librarian contacted LOUIS about implementing this method. LOUIS staff worked with the LSU Information Technology Services (ITS) department to obtain access to a streaming server from which the audio could be served. MP3 files are uploaded to the server via FTP
software and the file path is linked to the item in CONTENTdm in the metadata field “Stream File”. The embedded player facilitates ease of use by providing the searchable PDF transcription to the patron as they listen to the audio.
It does not require listeners to download the audio, thus it better protects the copyright of the files. Information about copyright is included in the metadata for each item and future transcriptions may be watermarked with a copyright statement. To organize the oral history collections in the LDL, the Digital Services Librarian used the “collection of collections” model that CONTENTdm employs to organize user collections on their website