I see... Certainly, that would make for quite the picture."
"Although I'm not sure about selling them."
As Miyuki swung a suspicious look in his direction, Tatsuya quickly
averted his gaze.
However, a similar look stared back from that direction as well.
"...Wait, that was a rather bad way to put it. Sorry."
Returning to face his sister, he raised the white flag. If he had faced
those fierce glares in a 'staring contest' it was likely the girls would
have caved first, but exploiting their feelings over something as trivial
as this seemed like a very bad idea.
On Miyuki's part, upon realising that Tatsuya hadn't meant anything
by those words yet had acted so apologetically, was unable to contain
her embarrassment and lowered her head.
"A-Anyway. Similar stories were abound, and the situation was
getting to the point that the recruiting was troubling not only Lina
herself but staff as well, and um..."
Honoka, often seen as someone rather intense yet in fact a delicate (or
timid) person, began to fret at the strange atmosphere.
"So it was decided to make her a SC member."
Immediately understanding Honoka's consideration, Tatsuya came up
in support,
"Yes. If she uses SC duties as a front, it should be enough to head off
any club."
And Miyuki followed up.
Seeing that the sensitive air which had drifted between the siblings
was swept away, Honoka breathed a sigh of relief. The one
anticipating a quarrel between them and thinking other such
disingenuous thoughts was, unfortunately(?), a different girl.
"So, what was Lina's decision?"
"She didn't seem terribly enthusiastic."
"It seemed like she wasn't keen on spending any time after school. I
think that could also be the reason she's still undecided on clubs,
despite being so sought after."
At Miyuki and Honoka's replies, Tatsuya nodded with a 'That just
might be it' look.