The reactor was manipulated with different feeding regimes,
and the reactor performance varied depending on the operation
conditions. Under both feeding regimes, high concentrations of
substrate caused performance deterioration. Furthermore, when
the influent concentration was low, a high influent flow rate
promoted the performance of the reactor, and no inhibition was
observed. conducted an anammox process
in which ammonium was supplied in relative excess, and the HRT
was progressively shortened to improve nitrite removal efficiency
and performance stability. A similar operation strategy was
adopted and high-loaded anammox UASB
reactors were established.
The reactor was manipulated with different feeding regimes,and the reactor performance varied depending on the operationconditions. Under both feeding regimes, high concentrations ofsubstrate caused performance deterioration. Furthermore, whenthe influent concentration was low, a high influent flow ratepromoted the performance of the reactor, and no inhibition wasobserved. conducted an anammox processin which ammonium was supplied in relative excess, and the HRTwas progressively shortened to improve nitrite removal efficiencyand performance stability. A similar operation strategy wasadopted and high-loaded anammox UASBreactors were established.
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