The effectiveness of glucomannan as a supplementary treatment to type 2 diabetes mellitus in association with the simultaneous changes of ghrelin and leptin hormones was evaluated by Chearskul et al. (2008), through a randomized, controlled trail in 20 type 2 diabetic patients. Each subject received 1 g encapsulated glucomannan or white rice flour 30 min prior to standard OGTT on separate occasions after a 2-week and then 4-week period when consuming 1 g glucomannan or white rice before the 3 meals of the day on these hormones. Subjects were instructed to maintain their personal food habits and anti-diabetic drug. Food record and rating of appetite score were performed twice a week throughout the study. Measurements of hormones and glucose levels were done using radioimmunoassay and glucose oxidase method, respectively. Glucomannan enhanced prandial ghrelin reduction when given before glucose load and impeded the rise of fasting ghrelin after 4-week supplement. Ghrelin-induced feeding may be attenuated by glucomannan (Chearskul et al.,