Well, I think that the wish for everybody is pretty easy to make, even though I'm a bank manager: I wish that people didn't have to use money and that everyone shared the world's wealth equally, because money seems to be the cause of most problems these days. People kill each other for money or possessions, people waste their lives in dead-end jobs to earn money , and then they're too tired to even enjoy it .As for the wish about my past, well, I wish that I'd spent less time on my career and more time with my family, especially with my son. You know, we get along well now, but there are so many times hat I think, "If only I'd spent more time With him when he was growing up," but I guess it's late. Looking back, I know I should have been there for him when he needed me, but I wasn't Now that he's an adult I hope that he can forgive me and that he doesn't make the same mistakes with his children: And the wish for myself? I know it might sound a little silly, but I wish that I could sing better, because I really love singing, but my voice is so terrible that I can't even bear to listen to myself in the shower in the morning.