Custom-made technological aids
Ambulation is a specifi c EM technique that is used in the
ICU to improve functional recovery [25,27,29]. Standard
hospital equipment may generally be adequate. When
ambulating a mechanically ventilated patient, however,
the standard equipment may not maximize safety and
eff ectiveness [40]. For example, some hospitals have had
their own engineers design a custom-made walker for
ventilated patients that incorporates a walking frame on
wheels, an intravenous pole, an oxygen basket and a
platform to support a ventilator, all in a single device
(Figure 2). Th is type of equipment may improve the safety
of the patient as the nurse and physical therapist have
their hands free of equipment and are able to concentrate
on the patient’s gait, balance and physiological response
to exercise, such as their respiratory rate. Th ere is no
evidence that patients require electrocardiogram monitor
ing during early mobilization.