Three forms of NFC technology are present: Type A, Type
B, and FeliCa, which operates in two modes active mode and
passive mode. A passive device is called as an NFC tag which
contains the information that other devices can read but cannot
read any information by itself whereas active devices can read
information and send it [6]. NFC is an technology developed
by Philips, Nokia and Sony. NFC is open platform technology
which is described as NFCIP-1(Near Field Communication
Interface and Protocol 1) is standardized in ISO 18092, ETSI
TS 102 190 and ECMA 340 [5]. This standard states the
transfer speed, modulation, bit encoding scheme and transfer
Three forms of NFC technology are present: Type A, TypeB, and FeliCa, which operates in two modes active mode andpassive mode. A passive device is called as an NFC tag whichcontains the information that other devices can read but cannotread any information by itself whereas active devices can readinformation and send it [6]. NFC is an technology developedby Philips, Nokia and Sony. NFC is open platform technologywhich is described as NFCIP-1(Near Field CommunicationInterface and Protocol 1) is standardized in ISO 18092, ETSITS 102 190 and ECMA 340 [5]. This standard states thetransfer speed, modulation, bit encoding scheme and transferprotocol.
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