Mars is back in Scorpio and points out dependencies. In reality, you are not as free as you sometimes wish to be. After all, you do not want to live in loneliness. Instead, you need your fellow human beings for an exchange and because this is what you enjoy (Venus and the Sun in Gemini). Now it is easier for you to cultivate contacts with neighbors and colleagues than in intimate affairs and family relationships. Neighborliness also does not necessarily last for an entire lifetime, and you do not need to know everything about each other. A conversation in the front yard can be refreshing and distract from the actual problems. With Mars in Scorpio, you will immerse yourself even more deeply into your private matters in the near future. And when you come up for air every now and then, you are grateful to be a bit distracted and cheered up on the surface.
Partnership / Love:
This week starts with the Pisces Moon, which had to tolerate many tensions on Sunday. Venus (love and the relationship) was also drawn into this tension and will need to tolerate it for the entire week. Relationship topics cause stress because you want to show good will and not allow anything to escalate. On Wednesday, you sense the pressure and let off steam. You get the situation back under control on Thursday.